Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring into Slimming Down...

So a couple of weeks ago I went to the doctor and got some rather irritating news; I was 15-30 pounds heavier than I should be. Now keep in mind, by no means am I obese. I am just a little softer than I should (and want to) be.
Once upon a time I could (and did) eat whatever I wanted and drank as much as I wanted and it never really affected me. Granted, I was in my early 20's and living in a major metropolitan city, was walking, on average, 12-15 miles a day, and would go dancing at clubs for 2 to 3 hours a night on the weekends. So I was DEFINATELY getting a work out...Iwould even occassionally, and I mean rarely, go to the gym and lift weights or get on the elliptical. I was crazy thin ! I loved it ! haha
Well, time has passed and I am older and its true what all my older (and wiser) friends have told me; When you hit 25 your metabolism slows down...when you hit 30 (which i will in January) your metabolism slows further...sometimes taking a rest all together. AND, if you don't lose any unwanted pounds by 35, you might as well count them a member of your extended (waist line) family...irritating yet VERY difficult to get rid of...
So, I ran into a friend who recently had the same epiphany I did and he told me about a 'magical' weight loss regime he was on. After seeing himself in a magazine photoshoot, he decided he was somewhat uphappy with the image. He and a few of his friends tried this regimine and each lost roughly 30 pounds . It involves eating MUCH healthier and using HCG drops. (read about it at this link: ) After seeing a marked difference in his appearance, coupled with my disdane for the news I had recently been given by my doctor, I reluctantly decided to buy into this (possible) scam. I bought the drops.
Long story short, the drops arrive, I start the regimine as well...but as I am reading the foods I can and can't eat and the amounts in which they must be served and eaten, I was shocked. 3.5oz of protien and 3.5oz of (certain)veggies twice a day plus two small snacks did NOT sound like it would fill me up and keep me full and all my cylinders running on full throttle throughout the day. ohhh...and I am not allowed any alcohol ! NOT EVEN WINE !!! :-(
I was at a loss. I thought I would be in a Hell filled with nothing but poached, flavorless chicken breast and raw spinach for the next 3 weeks and nothing but water! I was mortified !
After half a day of moping, half in a state of depression for the lack of food I would be, or not be, consuming, I had another revelation. I AM A CHEF ! I thought lets put this culinary education to work, not only for me, but for my friends ! I re-looked at the foods I can have and chose to ignore the list of 'no-no's ' (carbs, beans, sugar, dairy, oils/fats) I decided to work with what I was given. I let my culinary imagination run wild. I have come up with quite a few healthy and bursting with flavor recipes that will leave you satiated and satisfied without the bloated feeling and nap necessary following a meal.
So, the next couple of posts will be devoted to my friends out there who are trying to eat healthier. Each one of the recipes I am going to post will be for a SINGLE serving (double or triple it if needed). It fits into the dietary guidlines of this particular regime. roughly 500 calories a day. So choose 2 of these a day and you will be eating better, feeling better, sleeping better than before and I promise, your body will LOVE YOU. (dark circles are gone from under my eyes, I sleep better, I wake up earlier and more refreshed, my skin is clearer, and my energy level is higher and without sharp peaks and deeps slumps) Click the link above labled "Spring Slimdown Recipes" for the continuation of these recipes !
Remember, drink water, lots of least a gallon a day. I know, I know, I know...I felt like I was going to float away the first couple of days, and I made more trips to the bathroom in one day that I used to in a week, but it DOES A BODY GOOD ! Also, I am being rather strict with this diet, you don't have to be. If you want, add a few things here and there if you must, but remember PORTION CONTROL !!!
Good luck to all and let me know how things are working out for you ! Got questions? Recipe requests - send me a comment !!!

1 comment:

  1. Hcg diet is one of that products which are used for the weight loss. You used it and surely lose the weight in short time.
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    Buy HCG Drops Online
